Event Battles: | 18 |
Won by the Frisian Outlaws | 0 |
Won by the Russians (RIP) | 5 |
Won by the Serbians | 1 |
OVA | 12 |
Numbers | Alive | KIA | % KIA |
Frisian Outlaws | 14 | 321 | --- |
Russians (RIP) | 0 | 58 | 100 % |
Serbians | 9 | 61 | --- |
OVA | 110 | 11 | --- |
Morale Situation | |
Frisian Outlaws | Extremly low |
Serbians | High |
OVA / Negros | Extremly high |
Supply Situation | |
Frisian Outlaws | Extremly bad |
Serbians | Extremly bad |
OVA / Negros | High |
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Chapter 19/20: The Hunt- Day 2/3
These women were led by 25-year-old Marina Tammen. And although the women really tried to fight, the black men slaughtered them. Then they found important clues when searching Marian Tammen's body: around 13 women from Wittmund were said to have taken up residence in an abandoned house on the edge of the forest.
The leader of this group was 21-year-old Nadine Schmerder, the former OVA heroine! The women from Wittmund fight much harder than the women from Leer, but they all died in the end too.
I splitted the Battle into 2 Movies, Production will beginn right after "Mercenaries Part 3" is released! |
Chapter 17/18: Mercenaries - Part 2/3
The 2nd attack also went horribly wrong: All 15 serbian female soldiers, including many very expirienced female fighters, lost chanceless against a mixed unit of east-frisian boys and ugandian female Mercenaries. A very hard blow against the serbian Female Army!

I splitted the Battle into 2 Movies, wich are both in production right now! |
Chapter 16: The Hunt- Day 1

Day 1 was a full success! 8 ugandian males could hunt down and kill 19 east-frisian women. It was true, some tried to fight back, but in the end it was a walk in the park for the guys. Noone of them where harmed, while they Stuck is full of fresh, north-german cadavers!

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Chapter 15: Mercenaries - Mission 1

Their job is to find and eleminate all Serbian Female Soldier Units in the Perimeter. The first Mission is to take a serbian Outpost, hold by 10 female Soldiers!
The OVA was able to take the serbian camp, killing all 10 serbian female soldiers. But they lost 6 of their own fighters!

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Chapter 14: Chickniks - First Encounters
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Some of the serbian female unit |
The boys had never a problem with the serbian women, they slaughtered the charging south slavik bitches mercyless
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Chapter 11 - 13: Revolting Cows
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The OVA Founder didnt believe in the east-frisian women anymore |
Here he explained that from now on no East Frisian women should fight in the OVA. He continued by calling the female East Frisian gene "flawed" and "weak" and that it should be "eradicated." He then declares every East Frisian woman to be "outlawed" and that anyone could simply kill them without punishment.
Then he presented the solution for the OVA: From now on, Ugandan mercenaries will fight for the OVA against the Slavic aggressors. Not only that: In the medium term, Ugandan women and girls are to be settled in East Frisia, who will ultimately replace female East Frisians in society, of course only after the country has been liberated from Slavic occupation.
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Some of the ugandian mercs |
Extermination camps were set up all over East Frisia. The former OVA women were to be executed here as part of the “cleansing operation” announced by Harm Cordes. When the East Frisian women realized what was happening, they realized that it was about their very existence.
Revolting Cows!
There were violent revolts against the male East Frisian guards everywhere in the camps. In one camp it was the infamous 66th assault unit of Monika Heyen, the heroine of the first battle (BOTN Chapter 1: Rising). She called on her comrades to rebel and overthrow the inhumane regime of Harm Cordes, and the charismatic 28-year-old housewife was successful: all 21 women in the camp began to attack the 8 very young male guards...
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Monikas Einheit, the 66th. She and her women have a leading role in this revolt! |
Iris, Tanja and Corinna vs the Guard Patrick
The Halve-Sisters Iris and Tanja trying to near the Guard Patrick from the left, while Corinna is commong from the right. At the moment the women arent armed, so their only option is reach Patrick fast. Patrick concentrate on Corinna and shots the women mercyless, wich gives Iris time to reach the position of Patrick. She attacks the boy, but this wirly and agile Patrick could overpower Iris quickly, crawling his hands arround her fat neck. He began to strangle the chubby women, but before he could finish her, Iris halve-Sister comes from behind and kills Patrick!
Nadine, Kerstin and Marlies vs the Guard Marcel
It was easy for Marcel to kill this 3 east-frisian women. They managed to take a supply house in the near and found some pistols. Then they provokated the Guard Marcel to attack them, feeling secure behind the walls of the Warehouse.
But they where wrong! The young german male guard could shot the revolting women one by one like ducks, they never had a chance!
Ralf and Marcel vs Iris & Tanja, Angelika & Sabina, Samantha & Nina and Iris and Leonie
Ralf and Marcel let the revolting women no chance. First they killed Angelika and her Daughter Sabina, after that they slaughtered Samantha and Nina and finaly they killed the halve-sisters Iris and Tanja. They also tried to kill Leonie and Ralfs Sister Iris, but they were able to retreat to the position in the camp where the revolt instigator Monika Heyen is believed to be.
Ralf, Marcel and Hinrich vs Britta, Hanna, Claudia, Daniela, Julia, Jessica, Natalie and Melanie
A Desaster for the east-frisian women! One of the recent hero´s of them, Natalie Konken, bravely attacks first... and she and her partner Melanie got killed like it was nothing. Then 4 more women, shocked by Natalies death, got killed rather quickly: Hanna, Britta, Daniela and Sister Claudia got wiped out by the boys. The toughest where Julia and Jessica, both women gave the boys a fight, Julia could even kill Marcel, but in the end Julia and Jessica also dies!
With this fighting in the camp basicly ends, many of the women lost hope, even Monika Heyen sees no other way then flee... and so the fleeing begins!
Fled Outlaws
After the revolt was succesuflly beaten down by the male guards, Monika gave the order flee from the camp, and while the boys slaughter the last fighting revolting POW´s, the rest of the women where able to flee the camp!
The following East Frisian women were killed while trying to escape:
The Simmering twins, Melanie and her mother Brigitte and finally the Bruns sisters died during the escape.
In the end 53 women
could flee the camp. The Camp guards lost 1 of their own
The 3 Movies that tell what exactly happens can be reached here:
Chapter 10: Traitors
Outcome: The russian boys Andrey and Sergej have done what they promised. Shortly before the OVA sneaks into the russian hideout, they killed the 2 women that are responsible for the protection of the russian leadership. The delicate fact: These women are relatives of the boys. The 40year old Galina was Sergejs Mothers and the 18year old Yvonka Alexeys very own Sister!
After that it was easy for the OVA Unit (the strongest and fittest of the old guys that lead the uprise in the east-frisian village) to kill all russian women in this hideout...

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Total Slaughter of the russian Leadership! (About) 15 killed Russians Heroes: Sergej and Alexey |
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Chapter 9: The Village Part 2
Involved units:

Outcome: Full of Anger and with clearly higher numbers as the remaining russian girls had no chance.. In the end all 15 members of the russian terror squad lying dead in the streets, slaughtered by angry and fierce east-frisian civilians, most in their 70s and 80s.
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Total Slaughter of the russian Terror Unit! 15 killed Russians Heroes: Some old, east-frisians Guys |
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Chapter 8: The Village Part 1
civilian population, mostly the elderly, the sick and children. So that this action could not be reprimanded by the United Nations, the Russian terrorist units wore civilian clothing. The most cruel and cold-blooded of these units, consisting of 15 young Russian women, was led by 19-year-old Angeva Padenkov.
Hours later, the OVA hastily sets up a commando of 11 East Frisian women to take care of the situation in one of the villages. These women were virtually untrained other than a few hours of basic combat training, but they all came from this village. The OVA's hope was that women
would fight harder when it comes to the lives of friends and relatives. The 11-member OVA troop was led by 29-year-old Juliane Beer...
Involved units:

Outcome: Juliane and her Unit boldly entered the Village, highly motivated to help the rest of the innocent Villagers (mostly old Men). After a short fight, a fraction of the russian terror force was able to slaughter the 11 east-frisian women. After a while a few of the male villagers starting to inspect the place where the OVA unit gets slaughtered...
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CLEAR Russian
Victory! 11 killed east-frisians Heroes: None |
Chapter 7: Urban Combat Part 4
Involved units:

Background: Meike was one of the few east-frisian women that volunteered for the OVA, she was fed up of the fact that her fellow east-frisians are killed mostly chanceless. So she tried her best to motivate and train her women, most of them where badly trained of course, but in the end Meike did a good job to make a fearsome bunch of north-german women out of them.
Outcome: The attack begins, and surprisingly the East Frisians act much more disciplined and clever than other combat units in the OVA. In the end, 5 East Frisian women fall, but they are able to kill the 3 Russian women and take the first line. However, on the second line its ends, Inna and Yelena (full of anger and hatred after the death of her twin sister Yanina) ultimately make the last 5 East Frisians cold. Another victory for the Russian women, but a dearly bought one for 3 fallen comrades!
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The 19-year-old Russian Yanina mourns the death of her twin sister Yelena. |
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Victory! 16 killed east-frisians, 3 killed russians Heroes: Yanina Adelshin |
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Chapter 6: Urban Combat Part 3
Involved units:

Background: The 28 year old Marina is surely not a good fighter and she was drafted against her will. So it was a little surprising that she leads a OVA unit. The reason behind this is simple: She offers her body to the OVA Owner Harm Cordes. In return he had to make her leader and ensure that her sisters Ela (34) and Saskia (27) joined their unit. Marina thought life would be easier as a leader for her and her sisters. The shock was all the greater when, shortly afterwards, she received the order to take over a factory area in Grossefehn.
Outcome: A Desaster for the OVA! They lost this battle in the bad way possible, all 11 OVA Women got killed in a very short time without killing one of the 5 defending russians. Marina didnt realy lead her women what caused chaos and confusion in the OVA ranks. First a few of them where killed in a firefight by only 2 russians, then the 3 young russian fighters come from behind unnoticed killing the rest of the east-frisian women with their bare hands.
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The 18year old east-frisian Carina gets shot! (preview, no blood effects!) |
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Carinas Sister Andrea gets also shot! (preview, no blood effects!) |
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A serbian male "corpse cleaner" have fun with 2 of the Drost Sisters... |

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Flawless Russian
Victory! 11 killed east-frisians, 0 killed russians Heroes: none |
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Chapter 5: Urban Combat Part 2
Involved units:

Background: The Osterkamps are often referred to as "white trash" by normal East Frisian housewives and do not have a high standing in the OVA. Now its their chance to show everyone else what they made of!
Outcome: The wonder they need is small but sturdy build, have green eyes and dark-blonde, short hair: The 18 year Iris Osterkamp killed 4 out of 5 russian fighters, she even saved her Brother Ralf from getting killed by the 29 year old russian Leader Lucia. What a performance by the youngest of the Osterkamp Girls!
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The 20 year old east-frisian Tanja is the first to die... |
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Robert pays for his arrogant behavior and gets strangled! |
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Deadly Cuteness: Iris Osterkamp |
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Close East Frisian
Victory! 6 East-Frisians killed, 5 Russians killed Hero: Iris Osterkamp (18) |
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Chapter 4: Urban Combat Part 1
Now the OVA is trying to take the town back and in order to get enough fighters, women are being rapidly recruited from all over the area. Now the 432nd OVA combat group, led by 39-year-old Kerstin Behrends, must attack a Russian unit with inexperienced housewives in order to capture a bridgehead in the village!
Involved units:

Background: In order to get the women to go to war in the first place, the OVA was forced to take their children prisoner and threaten to execute them if the women didn't join the OVA. So the East Frisian women are of course somehow motivated to fight, even if they are completely traumatized. How this will ultimately affect combat effectiveness is certainly questionable...
Outcome: It was a massacre, the 9 East Frisian women were slaughtered in the most cruel way by the Russians; they never had a chance. Many of them were shot during the rush and the women who reached the Russian positions were strangled, stabbed or had their necks snapped.
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A OVA Female Fighter get shot while charging! |
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Another OVA Female Fighter get shot while charging! |
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Also in the hand to hand fights the north-german women die chanceless |
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Flawless Russian
Victory! 9 killed east-frisians, 0 killed russians Heroes: none |
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Chapter 3: Deadly Trenches Part 2
Involved units:

Background: Nadine is part of he Schmerder Family. Together with the Osterkamp family, they are considered as "white trash" and are often laughed at and not taken seriously, especially by the privileged East Frisian Housewives. In addition, Nadine isn't really the brightest, or at least that's how it seems. So it's not easy for her and quite a few people in the OVA don't really have much confidence in the 21-year-old. It goes without saying that Nadine wants to show everyone!
Outcome: Nadine's plan was to sacrifice some of her fighters and wait until the Russian fighters started having fun with the corpses of the killed German girls. Of course they would be outnumbered, but with a bit of luck that could work out. And it worked:
6 girls from Nadine's unit should simply rush towards the Russians and let themselves be shot so that they believe that things are going as usual. And indeed: After 6 East Frisian women were shot dead in front of and in the trenches, some of the Russians began to have fun with the still warm corpses, including the Russian, highly decorated leader. That was the moment for Nadine, Natalie and Maike to strike: 2 Russians were quickly shot, but things got tricky in the final hand-to-hand combat: First, an East Frisian woman was strangled by Yvonka and Nadine also had difficulties with her opponent. When Nadine was finally able to break her opponent's neck, it was easy to kill the 40-year-old Russian leader!
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Doomed: 2 OVA Fighters in the russian trenches, shot! |
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Distracted: A 18 year old, dead east-frisian girl gets fucked by a russian Soldier |
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Ambushed: 2 russian female Soldiers got killed by OVA Fighters! |
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Close East Frisian
Victory! 7 East-Frisians killed, 5 Russians killed Heroes: Nadine Schmerder (21), Natalie Konken (18) |
East-Frisian Heroes in this Battle:
The idea of knowingly sending 6 of your comrades to their deaths just to distract the enemy may sound cruel, but it served a greater purpose. What are the lives of simple East Frisian girls if, on the other hand, you can slaughter the hated enemy? That was exactly 21-year-old Nadine's plan.18 year old Natalie has proven to be an extremely capable fighter, she alone killed 4 of the 5 Russians.
Watch the Movie:
Chapter 2: Deadly Trenches Part 1

Of course the OVA can't allow that, so they mass as many fighters as possible to defend the outpost. In order to give the Russians less time to adjust to the situation, the OVA, supported by the victory against the Serbs, goes directly on the offensive. The first attack is carried out by an OSK unit, led by 21-year-old Karina Janssen, who is supposed to storm the Russian trenches...
Involved units:

Background: The russian where shocked that the east-frisians could mass so many fighters that quickly. The reason was simple: Not far away there was a training camp of the OSK, where young east-frisian women get trained to be kinda "special forces" someday. Some say its to early for this german girls to thrown into battle now, but in this case there is no other way, the russians have to be stopped!
Outcome: Unter the leadership of the 21 Karina Janssen the east-frisian girls storm the russian postions. The fougth bravely but its wasnt enough: Most of them got killed while charging the russian position (also their Leader Karina) and the rest got slaughtered in hand to hand fight in the trenches. In the end they had no chance! At least the 19 year old Marina Rummers could shot a young russian female soldier before her neck was snapped.
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Brave: The 21year old leader of the OVA Unit Karina gets shot right from the start! |
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First dead russian: The 19 year old Kaya is the first russian female soldier that dies... |
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The east-frisian way: Like so many north-german fighters this girls get strangled by their enemies! |
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Clear Russian
Victory! 9 killed east-frisians, 1 killed russian Heroes: None |
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Slaughtered: The cold cadavers of the killed east-frisian girls |
Watch the Movie:

Chapter 1: Rising
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Very spirited: Quite typical for an Serb: Storming bravely, dying with bullets in their naked chests. |
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Very close East Frisian
Victory! 11 East-Frisians killed, 9 Serbians killed Heroes: Monika Heyen (28), Julia Wabbels (21) |
East-Frisian Heroes in this Battle:

The 28 year old Monika because of her smart and calm leadeship througout the battle and the 20 year old Julia because of her extremly brave and inspiring nature, wich gives her comrades self-esteam and hope. Both women formed a new unit after the rising battle, the 66th OVA Storm Unit. Only women that have proven themself in combat are allowed to join this unit.
Watch the Movie:

Germany in the not so far future. The german army have lost the war basicly against the slawik invaders. As these horders finaly invade the north part of germany, east-frisian females stands up to fight serbian and russian female soldiers in epic battles.
But let Natalie tell you more about this:
How this works
Some of you maybe know my old website. Interactivity was always a very important part, i always liked the idea to tell a story together. With the "Events" i try to bring back some of this interactivity.
All Movies are create that are based on an Event (like this "Blood of the North" Event) are based on the outcomes of votes. Until now i only did votes using my Discord server or Google forms. Because of doing this many of you maybe missed the opportunity to vote, so i decided to use my website for this, like in earlier times.
Furthermore this site is maybe a better way to keep all strings together and make the whole storyline more coherent.
One very important thing, i think, are characters that we can relate too. If we build a "bond" to a character and the character dies later on in a battle this could be more exciting for all of us. Or maybe a Character that survives this war as a Hero? Who knows! :)
In the end all its possible. While you decide wich Units will win or loose, i decide the overall scenario of the fight and who will be kill in wich way. And i also decide wich of the girls and women will be a Hero or not. I need this to give the overall narrative more sence.
I realy hope you will enjoy this page, also if you decide not to buy my movies. I will post free content (Animation and Pictures) to keep the Storyline for all interesting, i promise! Yes, i this page is also there to market my products, but in the end i am one of you and i love exciting battles and stories too! :)
Note: For the actual event its absolutly ok if the east-frisians die much more often and in greater numbers then the serbian or russian fighters. The east-frisians (OVA) have MUCH higher numbers (look at the "Overview" Panel) then the slaws and the fact that they mostly lacking skills, gear and motivation dying in masses fits their role very well. This doesnt mean that should loose everytime of course, like this event already prooved! In my opintion its quite erotic if the faction that mostly win meet their end someday too... but for this we need.... Exceptions... aka.... Heroes! ;)
>> Go up
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Rising
- Chapter 2: Deadly Trenches 1
- Chapter 3: Deadly Trenches 2
- Chapter 4: Urban Combat 1
- Chapter 5: Urban Combat 2
- Chapter 6: Urban Combat 3
- Chapter 7: Urban Combat 4
- Chapter 8: The Village Part 1
- Chapter 9: The Village Part 2
- Chapter 10: Traitors
- Chapter 11 - 13: Revolting Cows
- Chapter 14: South Slav Encounters
- Chapter 15: I am a Hunter
East-Frisian Heroes